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A few days ago it was Valentine’s Day, so I wanted to tell you a little story about how I was finally able to ask my girlfriend to become my wife
It was back in 1985. I had just been given word that the first comic I worked on, was being cancelled, so after just a few months of being a ‘professional’ comic artist I was unemployed. I frantically sent out my recent work to all the people who had rejected me months earier…but had also given me good constructive criticism in their letters to me.
I was asked to work on as a fill-in artist
One of those i sent a package to was an editor/writer c Roy Thomas . Many of you may not know who he is, but he was the FIRST person to take over most of the books being written by Stan Lee over at Marvel Comics (titles like The Amazing Spider-Man, Thor, and the Avengers). Roy called me after receiving my package of art and told me the sad news that his current artist Don Newton had suddenly passed away.
Don worked at both Marvel and for DC Comics on books like the ‘Phantom’,Batman and Green Lantern (just to name a few).
Don had such an amazing grasp of human anatomy and I ADMIRED the way he could draw the human figure…and I still do. It was a tragic passing of a great man, but that unfortunate event meant that a comic book was without an artist. Roy asked if I wanted to help out for a few months while he looked for a regular artist to take over the book and I was glad to get work again.
If you look in the back pages of the title I helped on called ‘Infinity Inc.’ issue #13, you’ll see a pin-up I did to introduce readers to my art. Roy also included a letter about the passing of Don and an introduction of me as the ‘newcomer’. The next issue (#14), I was credited with being a “guest artist”, then halfway through drawing that issue, it happened…
I got my first full comic book gig.
Mr. Thomas said the person he thought was going to take over the book, had just bailed on him and wondered if I’d be interested in taking over INFINITY INC. full-time…with a pay increase too! So I quickly went from doing 10 pages at $60 each at Marvel, to now having a regular 25 page book at $75 a page. Life was really looking good, and though I had been dating my lovely girlfriend for seven years, I never felt like I had enough money to get married (yes, ladies, us men have this weird need to want to provide for our families. Silly, I know but we are dudes.)
The very next day, after getting that full-time job, I was on a walk with my girlfriend (Ms. Wanda Kolomyjec). we stopped and I got down on my knee and asked her to marry me. Her reaction wasn’t what I was expecting as she screamed in horror! I didn’t think living with me would be THAT bad…but a few moments later she told me a huge grasshopper had been sitting on my shoulder and right after asking her to marry me, the insect had jumped right at her. After calming down she took my hand and said “I would love to be your wife.”
30 years later, she still is.
Thank you comic books.
I've had people sending me webbing drawings and they're NOT CORRECT!! T...
Another LIVE video today from yours truly!! Today, I showed Facebook fo...
MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU!! In honor of Star Wars Day (May the 4th),...
THIS IS THE BEST MONTH.... Why???? It's Spawn month!!! Twenty-three YEAR...
I love when fans create COOL videos that feature McFarlane Toys!!!! This...
IT'S OFFICIALLY OFFICIAL! Now that New York Comic Con announced m...
As PROMISED here's a little #FlashbackFriday story about the Sp...
A lot of people ask me what my day looks like, how often I draw and when...
How many of you REMEMBER the FIRST round of Spawn toys from McFarlane T...
The PERFECT cure for #WalkerWithdrawal........ So I hear, anywa...
Throwback Thursday to my FIRST published (back-up) story, Slash from ...
A MONSTER drawing in under ONE MINUTE... Okay, the full drawing took me ...
Does Rick make it out alive????? Here's another COOL The Walking Dead...
Hey gang: Wanted to give you a little of my thought process behind ou...
I may have mentioned before... but this new Spawn resin statue has been ...
We just got some COOL new photos of the Medieval Spawn Resin Statue that...
I'm BACK on Twitter, folks! I honor of regaining my account after almost...
I'm here to confirm...THE TODDFATHER and my dude ERIK LARSEN are TEAMING...
Hey folks! I love going to events and meeting all of you good people....
I know it's a few months away, but I'm SO EXCITED about the upcoming Sat...
[video width="640" height="360" mp4="
Back in the 90's there was this GREAT show called 'The Comic Greats' wi...
I can't tell you how excited I am about this upcoming Spawn issue!! W...
One of the things that sets our Construction Sets apart from the rest is...
Hey folks!! I showed a preview of a little art from Spawn #259 I was ...
Are YOU the WINNER of the (sold out) Medieval Spawn Artist Proof STAT...
Now, that's more like it..... This is a fair warning that these photo...
GIVEAWAY TIME!!! This month, Image Comics reprinted Spawn numbe...
As the old saying goes, "You are only as young as you act" and this vide...
Earlier this week, I did a Q & A with on Periscope and A LOT of fans...
COOL SPAWN STUFF! Spawn 259 comes out just TWO days before the NEW YE...
TODD TIPS TUESDAY... I've been working away at Spawn 259 inking ov...
My AWESOME staff 'flash mobbed' me (although there wasn't any dancing in...
That's right folks...the other day I was going through some stuff in my ...
It's HERE!! I know it's no YOGA CATS calendar, BUT since you good peo...
YES...I STILL DRAW!! I've been getting A LOT of comments and question...
You've heard me go on and on about Image Comics and how it all started.....
Hey folks!!! I'm working on putting the final touches on Spawn issue ...
WIN SOMETHING COOL!!!! It's FRIDAY which means it's a good day to...
I have an exciting announcement for all of you Spawn fans out there........
The other day, I posted the video (below) on my Facebook Page... hinting...
YES...THESE Negan Resin Statue Certificates of Authenticity (COA's) ARE...
The year 2012 gave me TWO things to celebrate...the 20th anniversary of ...
Something NEW that you've never seen before. Nope, it hasn't even been L...
With all of this COOL new stuff coming out from McFarlane Toys this mont...
Back when I finally had a well established career, I was able to do som...
FIRST LOOK at a NEW Five Nights at Freddy's Construction Set that we wil...
Since today is WAYBACK WEDNESDAY, I thought I'd recant a little st...
I revealed a lot of COOL things at this years' New York Toy Fair... one ...
DON'T take 'NO' for an answer!!! If I would have stopped at the first...
Since you good people seemed to LOVE my quick sketch last week, I figure...
YES!! It IS happening!! Last week, I took my 160 page script and got...
The FIRST of MANY more T.M.N.T with T.M. Or better know as... Two Mi...
Check out the NEWS section on (this website) on how to win...
I'm working my way through this face!! I showed you how to do eyes, then...
The FINAL issue of The Satan Saga Wars will be hitting shelves SOON!! ...
It's less than a MONTH away!! The FIRST EVER Spawn Coloring Book is out ...
Since the Negan Resin Statue comes out TODAY, I did a quick LIVE Faceb...
On my LIVE Facebook video today, I showed fans the "biggest" badass Spaw...
SEXY SPAWN!!! Take a look at this COOL black and white cover for Sp...
For today's #ThrowbackThursday... I'm going back to the early 90's and s...
Okay folks.... I have a BIG decision to make... and I can only do it wit...
TWO MINUTE TODDY TIP TUESDAY (that's a lot of 'T' words!!). Anyways.....
FOLKS!! It's HERE! The NEW Spawn Coloring Book hit shelves today (or, yo...
I know some of you good people aren't on Facebook, so if you missed my l...
Gonna make this SUPER easy to enter!! Go to my Facebook page and comm...
It's been a while since you've seen him, so in honor of this dude, I've ...
Since I know you good people like Spider-Man (comic book), I have a COOL...
Took a break from Facebooking live videos... BUT I was BACK today with a...
Thanks to EVERYONE who entered the Spawn Coloring Book contest!! I p...
I've had people sending me webbing drawings and they're NOT CORRECT!! T...
Another LIVE video today from yours truly!! Today, I showed Facebook fo...
MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU!! In honor of Star Wars Day (May the 4th),...
THIS IS THE BEST MONTH.... Why???? It's Spawn month!!! Twenty-three YEAR...
I love when fans create COOL videos that feature McFarlane Toys!!!! This...
IT'S OFFICIALLY OFFICIAL! Now that New York Comic Con announced m...
As PROMISED here's a little #FlashbackFriday story about the Sp...
A lot of people ask me what my day looks like, how often I draw and when...