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Toddfather Talk

Get A Little Perspective!

April 03, 2019

Once you get perspective (how to draw things three dimensionally) down..everything else is easy (well...easier). Since the word 'perspective' is a...

It’s No April Fool’s Joke!

April 01, 2019

Here it is folks...the FINAL ART for the Spawn 299 cover! If it looks familiar...that's cuz it's a TODD AFTER...

Sexy Spawn Sunday!

March 31, 2019

Here's a SEXY cover done by the talented Jock!  

Sneak Peek at Spawn Issue 299 Cover!

March 29, 2019

FOLKS!! I've been working on ANOTHER Spawn cover (Spawn issue 299) using the the ol' pen and paper technique! Here's...

Spawn 295 On Shelves Today!

March 27, 2019

FOLKS!!!! WE ARE FIVE ISSUES AWAY FROM SPAWN 300!!! Getting some pretty AWESOME things set up for the release of Spawn 300...

Quick Tip on Drawing the Male Torso!

March 25, 2019

Trying to get to all of your drawing video requests (thanks for all the suggestions)! Today's video is on the...

Sexy Spawn Sunday!

March 24, 2019

SEXY SPAWN SUNDAY!! Here's a VERY sexy Spawn cover from issue 200 done with my friend and Image Comics partner Marc Silvestri! Happy...

Teaching Melodramatic Comic Book Drawing!

March 22, 2019

Today's lesson...melodramatic comic book drawing!! The video says it all (well...I hope it does).

Awesome Art for a Wednesday!

March 20, 2019

No big post today...just AWESOME art by me and my buddy Greg Capullo. It's like Sexy Spawn Sunday in the...

The First Unpublished Spawn Cover!

March 18, 2019

Looking back at this, you can see I had a thing for capes and cowls (and still do)... but it's...

Sexy Spawn Sunday!

March 17, 2019

It's that time again! Here's a VERY sexy cover by Greg Capullo for Spawn issue 150!!

The Correct Way to Draw an Eye!

March 15, 2019

My ART TEACHER said that eyes should look like footballs...that's a CROCK of B.S.!!!!!!!!!!   I'm sure all of you...

Spawn Kills Everyone Issue 4 On Shelves!

March 13, 2019

That's right folks! On shelves TODAY is the final issue of Spawn Kills Everyone Too! So if you didn't get...

Sexy Spawn Sunday!

March 10, 2019

Take a look at this sexy page from Spawn issue 79! 

Spawn Issue Five to Spawn Issue 295!

March 06, 2019

Take a look at issue 5 of Spawn (the art on the left) and issue 295 (the art on the...

Super Sneak Peek at Spawn 295!

March 04, 2019

That's right folks! Spawn 295 is going to the printer THIS WEEK and that officially makes it FIVE ISSUES away...

Sexy Spawn and Spidey Sunday!

March 03, 2019

Friday, I showed the ORIGINAL cover art for Marvel Spider-Man issue 298 and the ORIGINAL cover art Spawn 298 covers! Here are the COLORED...

Original Cover Art from issues Spider-Man 298 and Spawn 298!

March 01, 2019

Showing some ORIGINAL cover art from Spider-Man 298 AND Spawn 298! Notice some similarities!?!? Enjoy.

Working on the Spawn 298 Cover!

February 28, 2019

I've been working away on the Spawn 298 cover and I think it's looking pretty SEXY! I'll show you folks the FINISHED...

Toddfather’s Going Old School with Pen and Paper!

February 27, 2019

That's right folks!! I'm taking out my PEN, INK and ART BOARD PAPER to work on the Spawn 298 cover!!...

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