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Toddfather Talk

Motivational Monday from the Toddfather!

May 21, 2018

If you’ve been around here for a while, you’ve heard me mention how I got REJECTED ABOUT 350 TIMES!

When I sent my art to Marvel and DC Comics, they said it wasn’t up to professional standards, BUT instead, they gave me solid constructive criticism in those rejection letters. In tern, I used it as MOTIVATION to get better at my drawing.

In other words. someone will always not like what you are doing…but PLEASE, don’t use that as the reason not to try harder. INSTEAD use it as a motivator.

Below is an EARLY pencil drawing of Thor. Looking back there’s too much neck, torso and grey (called pencil rendering…making it almost impossible for someone to ink)… At the time, it was the best I could do, but I now can see the flaws. Be a critic of YOUR OWN WORK before others…it will keep you much more reality based.

And as I have said before…you ONLY need ONE person to like what you are doing and you’ll have a job! Just one.


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