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Toddfather Talk

A Hover Board, A Drawing and Camera Work… All in One!!!

December 16, 2015

As the old saying goes, “You are only as young as you act” and this video shows exactly how YOUNG I feel AND act (although I think the BEST example of that is STAN LEE)!!

Anyways… A while back, my son Jake came into the office with the NEW hover-board I bought him for his birthday (yeah…I’m a cool dad if I do say so myself).

And since I was in a playful mood, I decided to see if I could ride the hover-board, draw AND Periscope at the SAME time. Now…it worked for a LITTLE bit, but then I had to have Jake take over the camera so I could finish my drawing. What was even funnier, was seeing my staff peek their heads out of their offices. I think they were a bit surprised to see their BOSS riding around the office (because I’m a cool BOSS too… at least I like to think so)!!

THIS old man showed everyone that I can still hang with the young kids!!

If you didn’t get to see the Periscope video, I wanted to post it here because it is pretty awesome!! My Periscope handle is @ToddMcFarlane and if you aren’t following me DO IT (I mean, if you want to… no pressure). If you do follow me on Periscope, you’ll get notifications anytime I am “live” so we can virtually hang out together.

Be good.

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