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Toddfather Talk

Happy Spider-Man Day with a Spidey Story!

August 01, 2018

That’s right folks…my ol’ pal SPIDEY has his own holiday! I’ve been VERY lucky to be part of his history AND even creating the famous SPAGHETTI WEBBING?!

Now I don’t know if most of you KNOW the story BEHIND the name spaghetti webbing, so for Spider-Man Day, I thought I’d share….

I began that look right from the start of my run as the artist on the book and over time the webs got longer and longer. During one of my visits to Marvel I was called into the Editor-In Chief’s office. This wasn’t the first time I had been in his office to discuss Spider-Man’s new art direction, but because I was messing with their icon character some thought my style wasn’t appropriate. On this day, the conversation was going well, but I could sense some frustration in the chief’s voice. Finally, he couldn’t contain himself and he said, “Todd…I need you to stop doing those…those…those damn spaghetti webbings!!”

WOW! Up until then, I hadn’t ever given the webs a NAME. But NOW there I sat in the Editor’s office and he blurted out the perfect name for them: SPAGHETTI WEBBINGS. It was perfect! I ended the conversation by telling him that I would stop doing them that way – – – then immediately went out and began drawing the NEXT issue with the ‘spaghetti webbings’ TWICE as long as before!

And the rest, as they say is history. In fact, after all these years the webbings are STILL patterned after the look I brought to those pages. Go figure.38194113_2024181940959211_4958770928436641792_n

So that’s it!

Go try drawing YOUR own spaghetti webbing!!

Be good.


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